Donate now to help every neuro-diverse adult live their best life!

Help our neuro-diverse friends connect with the world around them. How do they achieve their best lives? By participating in community organizations, enrolling in school or training, and accessing meaningful volunteer and employment opportunities.

Donate now to help every neuro-diverse adult live their best life! image




Help our neuro-diverse friends connect with the world around them. How do they achieve their best lives? By participating in community organizations, enrolling in school or training, and accessing meaningful volunteer and employment opportunities.

Our Best Life is Within Reach!

Achieving My Best Life; an Illinois Non-Profit organization, has a powerful mission: to support the on-going needs of individuals with Intellectual, Cognitive and/or Developmental Disabilities in order to have gainful access to their Best Lives.
The first step in this process is to define what is meant by “best life” and what “gainful” means for each individual in need. Specifically, Achieving My Best Life (AMBL) endeavors to provide opportunities to access independent living, gainful employment, as well as positive community access for neuro-diverse individuals.

Once each individual's need is known, the funds raised through this Non-Profit will be used to support on-going access to all environments–living, employment and community – for these impacted individuals.